Saturday, 8 March 2014

I Survived the Console Wars

One could argue that this war wages today between the current heavy hitters Sony and
Microsoft...Sorry Nintendo I don’t think you count anymore...

Anyway, the console wars (also known as the bit wars) took place in the early years of the 90s. It was fought between Nintendo’s Italian Stallion, and Sega’s spiky haired fast talking (he didn’t actually talk did he?) rebel Sonic.
Ok so they didn’t actually fight, but oh boy the company’s sure did.

 For the most part Nintendo played a clean game akin to a politician that wants to win with honour, VS Sega’s aggressive mud-slinging with the “Genesis does, what Ninten-don’t” campaign.

Now back then video games were still highly thought of as “a kid’s toys” and as such if you were lucky enough to have a console at all, it was one or the other at the discretion of your parents.

What this did was turn lunch room discussions over which system was better into all out guerrilla warfare!

I wish I was kidding, I remember getting punched over a heated argument as to why Mario would win in a fight against Sonic...An argument I later proved correct 20 years later with a battle in Super SmashBros Brawl...
Ok I’m off topic sorry!

My point was you had one or the other, and people passionately defended whichever system they had. Games very rarely went multi platform either back then, so by having one limited your ability to play games so your choice mattered a lot more. Not like today when damn near everything gets released on everything...does it sound bad that I kinda hate that? I think it just takes away the whole experience.
Speaking of mascots does anyone remember what Sony’s used to be? ;) No Google, That’s cheating!

For more information about the console wars check here.


  1. I loved Nintendo - I remember the first games we had we played as a family, I think we were all obsessed with Zanac and Zelda... I don't play any games now, but am reconsidering as I'd like to be able to play with my kids.

  2. I agree with Jessica, I loved Nintendo and I was always all for Super Mario over Sonic! I don't play video games now as much as I did as a kid, however I have little cousin who always try to test out my video game skills. And I have no idea who the mascot used to be for Sony! Thank you for sharing this information Shane. You have a really interesting blog.

  3. I really don't know anything about video games. The only game console I had growing up was classic Nintendo. We got Nintendo 64 when it came out but I don't think I ever played it. I know wii is a big thing now but I only like playing the bowling so Im not sure it counts but if they ever bring back the first Nintendo I would be first in line!

  4. I grew up with original Nintendo, super Nintendo, N64, and now Wii, but my husband is a Sony man. We have a playstation 3, I'm sure he wants to upgrade to a PS4...I don't even really know how to work it haha
    I'll just stick to my Wii. Very informative, thanks Shane!

  5. Great post Shane! I can't say that I was ever much of a gamer but my sister and I played with our Nintendo 64 on occasion (our weakness was Pokemon Snap, which I am freedly admitting). I guess that makes an N64 gal.

  6. This is a really interesting post! Like Asta, I grew up with original Nintendo, and was totally obsessed. Remember Duck Hunt? The Console Wars are a great way to remember the technological culture of the early 90's...close to my heart!

  7. The good old battle of which system is better. I grew up with original Nintendo, by brother had game boy, I had Sega Genesis ( where I played Sonic, couldn't get past the first 30 sec of the game) and then went to N64. We have an xbox360 at home that my mom won from the casino years ago. Don't have much time to play with it, but hope to once I have more free time. Nothing beats the original Nintendo though, I wish mine still worked. Blowing into the cartridge to get it to work, how I miss that. Thanks for the memories Shane.

  8. I played both Sonic and Mario...what does that make me? Switzerland...a neutral territory? You write so well, you should consider putting this blog online permanently....
