Friday 21 February 2014

Multiplayer like in the same room? laaaame.

Does anyone else here remember playing multiplayer with people in the same room?
I mean within smacking distance from your friend that keeps killing you, and not with the kid screaming about your mom over a microphone.

I remember getting the new Mario, Mortal Kombat, Bomber Man and King of the Monsters games and I couldn’t wait to have my friends over and play these games together all night.
I still suffer from post traumatic stress because of all night Golden Eye 64 battles... so many bodies....

These were games that were design to be played with friends sitting in one room... you know to encourage social interaction...eww right?

I remember one of the most fun moments I've ever had in a game, was playing Gears of War with a friend. We sat in my small bed room and played that game from start to finish. But the best part was when we just kept getting killed at a super intense part, but we just couldn't stop laughing. It was a great time. I don't think it would have been as fun over headsets in different areas. No Sir!

Look I’m not saying that online play now isn’t fun, hell I’ve had some great matches in Mass Effect 3 and Defiance, but I wish that I could have this same event in one room, with one T.V. with four of my friends.

Life is getting too digital too impersonal nowadays. Rather than being told I suck by some random kid online, I’d rather a friend sitting beside me. Call me old fashioned I guess.

Did I just get a bit philosophical there?
Good god I am old.


  1. I like this blog topic, it is so true! I'm not much of a gamer but my roommate was and she mentioned how crazy how uncommon it is too, life sure is getting too digital.

  2. It reminds me when i was playing multiplayer with my little cousin, it was so much fun together. Yup, it is also a social interaction in the new age, great post Shane!

  3. You just brought me back to the original Nintendo Entertainment System (which I still have hooked up to an old 13 inch TV in my bedroom). Even though I've never been into true multi-player games - the ones with more than two players - I was definitely all about the two-player Nintendo games like Super Mario, Dr. Mario, and Marble Madness. And if you want to go back farther into the past, any Atari game that utilized its knob function was usually a two player game (Pong?).

    You're right to say that video games are a lot more fun when people are sitting in the same room.

  4. I completely agree with you! I love playing multiplayer games with my friends in the same room yelling instructions cursing who ever has the sniper in the top right of the screen etc! I really prefer it that way, online gaming is full of rude and vulgar players sometimes. But I guess that's how guys play.

  5. Although I am not familiar with the gaming world, I thought I could share an outsiders input here. I personally find the live gaming with a headset idea generally unnecessary. It's basically bullying at points, as some people like to razz one another. I can say that sometimes conversations overhead can be so ridiculous they are humorous, but I agree that the digital world has taken too much out of social interactions today.

  6. I remember when my friend got the newest Resident Evil game (the sixth, I think?) and we were so bummed because it wouldn't allow multiplayer. So to play it together you have to have two televisions, two consoles, and a set of mics as well. Gouging technique, perhaps?

  7. Personally, I don't like computer games as they are stealing so much time which can be used in much more interesting way :) but I have 3 brothers who are crazy about the virtual world and very often such games end up with real fights if one of them was constantly winning. It was funny time to watch a real wrestling and then be punished for not stopping it :)

  8. Shane, your blog brings me back to my Mario days. Although I am not much of a gamer, my childhood nintendo experience is not something I will soon forget. I loved being able to play multiplayer with my sister beside me. Of course she was always Luigi, I had to show older sibling dominance somehow!
